Seattle Public Schools

Oversight Committee

Committee Charge

Building Excellence (BEX) and Buildings, Technology and Academics (BTA) Capital Programs Oversight Committee

January 2018
Download the Charge

1. Authorization:

Appointing Authority: School Board

2. Charge:

Rationale: At the same time the School Board approved the Building Excellence I (BEX I) capital program bond and levy elections in 1994/1995, it included a requirement for a citizen oversight committee to oversee implementation of the program. Experience has demonstrated that a modified committee would enhance the accountability and performance of the district’s Building Excellence (BEX) capital programs, as well as the Buildings, Technology and Academics (BTA) capital programs, both present and future. Because the BTA capital program now includes significant school modernization and addition projects, it is recommended that the oversight committee include the BTA capital program. Thus, the title “BEX Oversight Committee” should be changed to reflect the inclusion of the BTA program, as follows: “BEX/BTA Capital Programs Oversight Committee.”

Changes to the charge include adding focus on program revenues as well as expenditures, planning for future BEX and BTA levies and the impacts of other district capital programs to the extent they affect the BEX and BTA programs, and converting the oversight committee to a standing committee of eleven (11) members with overlapping terms, to provide continuity.

The priority will be to ensure that the BEX and BTA capital programs support the three major goals of the district’s Strategic Plan: 1) Ensure educational excellence and equity for every student, 2) improve systems districtwide to support academic outcomes and meet students’ needs and 3) strengthen school, family, and community engagement.

Responsibilities and scope of review: The BEX/BTA Capital Oversight Committee will receive periodic briefings by SPS capital projects staff and be asked to comment upon, and make recommendations concerning, progress of the BEX and BTA capital programs. The committee will also oversee the planning, prioritization, and implementation of current and future BEX and BTA programs and make recommendations as to the identity, scope, and priority of projects to be included in future BEX and BTA capital levies. The committee will monitor the implementation of all approved projects and make recommendations for compliance with goals, priorities, scope, budget, schedule, revenue, and other significant factors. A separate committee will oversee the implementation of the identified technology projects included in either capital levy.

Meeting schedule: Monthly meetings or more often as required. Because this is a volunteer committee and vacancies occur and are not always promptly filled, the requirement for a quorum is reduced. A quorum shall be at least fifty percent (50%) of the active membership of the committee, but not less than six (6) members.

Manner and timing of the expected work product: Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, regular comments and recommendations to staff regarding all facets of the BEX and BTA capital programs with the submission of semi-annual reports to the School Board.

Term of the committee: The term will be for the duration of the BEX and/or BTA capital programs.

Length of term of individual members: Four (4) years.

Staff support required: Regular attendance by the Director of Capital Projects and Planning and the Director’s staff. The Director and staff will provide copies of documents and prepare reports as requested.

Reporting relationship: To the School Board.

Staff contact: The primary contact is the Director of Capital Projects and Planning. The secondary contact is the Associate Superintendent of Facilities and Operations.

3. Member Selection and Qualifications

Number and qualifications of committee members: Familiarity with capital programs components, such as planning, budgeting, cost estimating and controls, organization and management of public agency capital programs, and public and media relations skills are desirable.

Committee members should represent one or more of the following areas: architects, construction managers, attorneys, contractors and subcontractors, parents, and others as appropriate.

Two School Board Directors should be members of the committee, but no other district employees. The two School Board Directors are in addition to the eleven (11) committee members.

Ethics: Members shall not have any direct or indirect financial interest (except a “remote interest” as defined by RCW 42.23.040), in any contract, purchase of materials, or activity financed from school district funds. Members shall not participate in any action involving a matter in which the individual has a remote interest as defined by state law, nor shall any member seek to influence any other member of the committee or district staff with respect to any such matter. All direct and indirect financial interests, including remote interests, shall be disclosed in writing to the district promptly upon the member’s discovery of the interest.

Selection process: The nine (9) members of the existing BEX Oversight Committee will continue to serve respective two (2) or four (4) year terms on the newly named committee as designated by the Chair of the Committee. Two (2) additional members will be selected by the Board of Directors to terms of two (2) and four (4) years, in order to provide overlapping terms. Members are eligible to serve more than one (1) term.

Final selection will give consideration to those community members and groups who have not historically been active or represented in district decision-making processes, as well as representation by individuals of differing gender, ethnicity, race, age, geography, and stakeholder interest groups.

Public notice: None required for existing appointments. New appointments should be advertised via district website, Seattle Council of PTSA, community organizations, applicable trade magazines and groups, district stakeholder contact lists, as appropriate.

Committee orientation: None required.

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